We believe that every one of us has the right to learn, fulfill our potential, and make an impact
About the program

The three cadet programs – Cadets for Local Government, Cadets for Informal Education, and Cadets for Urban Strategy and Planning – work to improve local government and public service from within, by training leadership groups for professional management in municipal areas.
The program exists thanks to the implementation of the government decision Atudot LeYisrael (Reserves for Israel), a strategic plan to augment the trained work force available for public service. The program’s goal is to develop human capital and create a reserve of future leaders for public service, based on the understanding that only change-initiating leaders, who believe in a culture of partnerships and possess an inclusive point of view and long-term thinking, can lead Israel to address its core issues.
The program is intended for talented, highly motivated young adults who aspire to combine academic excellence with social leadership to enhance the quality of the local government in Israel, with focus on the social and geographical periphery. By doing so, gaps and disparities characterizing Israeli society and economy can be bridged and reduced. These unique programs operate in partnership with the Ministries of the Interior, Finance, Education; the Center for Local Government; the Center of Local Authorities; and Mifal Hapayis.
- Development of human capital and reserves of future leaders in the public sector.
- Advancing young people with leadership skills.
- Strengthening local government in the periphery.
- Strengthening Israeli society, reducing gaps and promoting the periphery.
Mode of operation
Each year, three groups of 25-30 candidates each complete the recruitment process and join as cadets in one of the program tracks. Most are from Israel’s periphery, and have been accepted to academic studies in participating academic institutions:
- Oranim College: B.A. in Informal Education and Social Studies (major), Public Policy (minor).
- University of Haifa: Master’s degree in Public Administration [M.P.A.] and in Urban and Strategic Planning.
- The Technion: Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning
Cadets receive full academic scholarships; monthly living stipends; a top-quality training program, including internships simultaneous with their Masters’ studies; and job placement upon completing their training. During the program the cadets meet with key figures in local and public government in Israel, take part in seminars, go on a study tour abroad and experience practical experience in government ministries and local authorities. Upon completion of the training program, the Cadets are placed in key positions in local authorities or informal education entities; both the Cadets and the employing institution commit for a minimum of four years.
In the numbers
placed in key positions
in annual programs
by the cadets' programs