The Foundation's activities shape the face of the next generation
About the Foundation
The Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (Israel) works to create an inclusive and collaborative Israeli society, by promoting excellence, diversity and leadership through higher education. We continue a legacy of philanthropic innovation, investing in change agents and promoting a pioneering spirit.
The Foundation, which operates within the framework of the international network of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations worldwide, initiates dozens of innovative projects throughout Israel, aimed at reducing social gaps and fostering young leadership.
The Foundation’s efforts to achieve higher education in as many communities as possible, to promote innovative academic research, to engage artists in social involvement, to invest in groundbreaking economic and social models, and to nurture young and committed leadership affect the lives of tens of thousands of people and shape the future generation of Israel’s pioneers and entrepreneurs.
Our vision
With a firm belief in the power of individuals to bring about change, and out of a commitment and a sense of responsibility for the pioneering spirit of the State of Israel, the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation is dedicated to empowering, connecting, promoting, and nurturing the various groups that make up Israeli society.
The mosaic of identities that constitutes the Israeli society is an invaluable opportunity to develop a rich and vibrant fabric of life which can engender – through diversity and partnership – a healthy and progressive society in which shared good is enhanced. We are convinced that the consolidation and intensifying of human values, along with deepening knowledge and striving for excellence, will lead to the establishment of an inclusive and prosperous Israeli society.
Our fields of expertise

The Foundation in numbers
the Foundation’s
social activities
Message from the Chairman
Our world has recently been faced with unprecedented economic, social, and environmental challenges resulting from the erratic management of financial institutions and public policy. This has been further compounded by the careless exploitation of our natural resources. Such turmoil is taking place in a context of heightened geopolitical tensions, fed by a number of regional conflicts across the planet. Although this phenomenon is not new, it could grow worse and spiral out of control if decision makers, the world of business, and civil society do not take a clear stand in the competition for dwindling resources.
We all have a role to play in building a better world for our children. In our own case, we were exceptionally fortunate to inherit a unique philanthropic tradition, based on a longstanding commitment to solidarity, social responsibility, and the advancement of knowledge. These values have translated into our family’s continued involvement with Israel from the 19th century to this very day. “Hanadiv” inaugurated the Rothschilds’ strong alliance with the Jewish homeland by investing in enthusiastic youngsters who shared a dream. He believed in the power of vision and of change and worked relentlessly to provide the pioneers of this dream with training, moral guidance, and financial support.
The entrepreneurial network of foundations we continue developing around the world upholds this legacy. In Israel, The Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (IL), founded nearly 50 years ago by Baron Edmond de Rothschild, ensures that this heritage will continue for many generations to come.
By bringing to Israel our innovative and strategic approach to philanthropy, and investing in leadership, diversity, access to higher education, and academic excellence, the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (IL) strives to ensure that our vision will translate into lasting achievements.
Ariane & Benjamin de Rothschild

Council of Governors & Staff

- Baroness Ariane de Rothschild, Chairman
- Michael Kliger, Vice Chairman
- Alon Pomeranc
- Amalia Avramov
- Karin Jestin
- Ziv Erez